A diversified company!
Groupe F. Dufresne is a group of companies under multiple brands active in convenience store operations, retail fuel sales, restaurant and food services, home comfort, and transportation logistics.
Sprint Convenience Store
Our network of corporate convenience stores operates under the Sprint banner, which will soon include some 100 convenience stores across Quebec. -
Our Petro-Canada stations
Groupe F. Dufresne is Canada’s largest retailer and operator of Petro-Canada locations. -
EKO services stations
At your service since 1978! There are over 80 EKO stations across Quebec. -
Check out the country’s top gas rewards program! -
Petro Points are worth more than you think. Free gas, e-gift cards, and much more. Every 1,000 points = $1 off. -
The Sonerco fuel banner has locations in multiple Quebec municipalities. -
The Axco fuel banner has locations in multiple Quebec municipalities. -
Petro Abitémis
La bannière de carburants Petro Abitémis est présente dans quelques municipalités au Québec. -
F. Dufresne
Since 1950, Quebecers have trusted F. Dufresne for heating oil and outstanding service from a team of highly qualified heating and air conditioning technicians. -
Transport Norcité
Transport Norcité specializes in petroleum product logistics and tanker truck transport. -
Zéro-Contact Car Wash
Effective and affordable no-contact, high-pressure cleaning everywhere you go. -
If you like iced drinks, you’ll love our delicious Barbottes! -
Central Kitchen
In addition to developing and producing all dishes for Topla! restaurants, the central kitchen team designs products for chefs at hotels, restaurants, and institutions.